Types of Metal Fabrication

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The term metal fabrication should not make you scratch your head. In the simplest of terms, it refers to the making of different products by working on metal using different processes. That modern building you live in could have e made from metal fabrication and so many other places like bridges.

metal fabrication

Types of Metal Fabrication

Whether you need large or small fabrications, manufacturers can create whatever you want using different equipment. Here are the types of metal fabrications, and you have probably come across them already.

Structural Metal Fabrication

As the name suggests, structural metal fabrications have to do with the construction industry. Manufacturers that make these products focus on creating different metal structures to be used in diverse ways, such as making building frames, railing for bridges and roads, roofing, and grating. The structures can be simple or sophisticated depending on what is being made.

Commercial Metal Fabrication

This type of fabrication is where experts use metal to make products that consumers get to use directly. It can be an electronic appliance, hand tool, or car. Metal fabrications provide durable, sturdy products for use in various areas, including at home.

Commercial metal fabrication can be easily found wherever you are. Even the cutlery you use at the table can be a result of metal fabrication.  

Industrial Metal Fabrication

Regarding industrial metal fabrication, experts use this method to develop tools and equipment. There are so many appliances this type of fabrication allows companies to make, from agricultural tools to medical items.

Metal Fabrication Processes

You cannot talk about the types of metal fabrication without mentioning the processes involved in making them. To make a structural, industrial, or commercial metal fabrication, several functions are involved, such as welding, cutting, and forging. Here is a look at these processes.


This is where experts use a specialized tool to divide metal into different pieces. Whatever fabrication a manufacturer is making, they will need to do some cutting at various stages to create the product in mind. Whether it is making structures for the construction industry, tools and equipment, or finished products for consumers, cutting is a common step in the manufacturing procedure.


Welding is where a trained person joins two metal pieces at a joint. After cutting different metals into pieces, they can be welded together to create the desired product, structure, or tool. Welding is another popular metal fabrication process. High temperatures are used in welding to join metals. Nonetheless, there are many other ways to join metal pieces apart from welding.


With forging, a professional heats a metal like steel to a high temperature and applies force to create the desired shape. Forging has been around since the old good days before modern fabrication methods came about. It was popularly used to make knives, swords, and other metal fabrications our forefathers and mothers needed to get going.


Extrusion is a vital process in the metal fabrication business. It is used to make metal bars, solid and hollow, used in various industries, including construction and automobile. The extrusions take different shapes depending on the specifications customers provide. Molten metal is passed through dies to create a wide range of extruded metal.


Do you know how a paper punch makes holes in sheets of paper for filing? The same technique is used when punching metals. Punching is a process of creating holes in metal using a powerful force. You have probably seen railings with holes in them, such as camera equipment and metal bars used to develop concert stages. The holes take different sizes and shapes to meet the needs of consumers.


Casting is another process involved in metal fabrication. It is where metal melts and empties into a mold. The next step is where the melted metal is given time to cool off. With the casting process, experts can make products of different shapes and sizes.


Another way to make metal fabrications is through machining. With this process, a professional extracts material from the metal being worked on to make whatever is stipulated. Manufacturers use different methods to do the machining process. Some are more efficient than others.

The above processes are not the only ones used in metal fabrication. Other include stamping, bending, drawing, and folding. With these, experts are able to make different structures and tools. Metal fabrications come with advantages. They are long lasting and sturdy and can be made from different materials like steel.